Friday, February 10, 2012

6 weeks: Meeting Dr. Wood

This morning we took Kendall to Gillette Children's Hospital, which is based in St. Paul, to see a pediatric dermatologist about the mole on the top of her head. Going into it, we really didn't know what to expect--whether it was a concern or something she could live with.

After a quick measurement, Dr. Wood was very up front with us that this is an issue. If we don't remove it, there is a chance that if it is not already malignant, it could become so at any point--in a few years, 30 years, 60 years. It would be something she would have to monitor the rest of her life. 

From a cosmetic standpoint, her hair in that spot would be a darker color than the rest and the skin would be different than the rest.

The risk of cancer is enough for us to decide she needs to have it removed as soon as possible.

Dr. Wood then explained that we only have one option, which is through a process called tissue expansion when she turns 9 months old. We need to wait until she's a little older since she will be getting anesthesia, and we also need more time for her skull to harden. I'll spare you details for now, but it basically entails 2 hospital stays, weekly visits for saline injections, and then the final surgery.

It's a lot to take in.

We decided it was still better to go ahead with this treatment plan while she's still young, which Dr. Wood strongly recommended as well. She wont remember any of it, we wont run the risk of it becoming cancerous, and her hair will grow in with the rest.

As a mama, it's very difficult to hear what your baby will have to go through--it's going to be a challenging time for us. But it could be worse--much, much worse. She's a healthy, happy girl and we have so much to be thankful for.

We meet with Dr. Wood again in July to go over details and schedule the appointments and surgery.

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