Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Kendall Turns ONE


December 25, 2011
6:34 am
7 lbs 9 oz/ 20 inches


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week Ten

Injection # 8 was 10 ml, for a total of 68.5 ml.

I am truly and honestly thankful that I did not know how long this would take ten weeks ago. I consider it a blessing in disguise.

Appointments booked through January with a (hopeful) surgery date in February--looking forward to celebrating a new year and the final half to Kendall's tissue expansion!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week Nine

Week nine and injection #7: 10 ml for a total of 58.5 ml.

Kendall was a champ, as usual. Nothing slows her down or even phases her. I am told every week that she does amazing, even better than the older kids with tissue expansion. It feels good to be over that 50 ml mark, although I was reminded today that she still has a ways to go. As in, dare I say it, February. 

It feels good to have 9 weeks behind us and I know, with the holidays and all, the next month is going to FLY BY!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weeks Seven and Eight

Week seven: 8 ml 

Week eight: 8 ml for a total of 48.5 ml

Kendall is achieving so many milestones at 11-months--talking, almost walking, cutting teeth, etc. that I haven't wanted her medical procedure to overshadow any of these important moments.

We are MAYBE half-way. Progress is slow, but progress is good.

I attended my friend Kat's wedding the week before we began this process, and during the ceremony, Chad reminded us of some wise words from Justin Bieber--The grass is greenest right where you stand. 

I think about this, a lot. Especially when comparing Kendall to other little girls who don't have an expanding breast implant coming out of their head. Most kid's don't carry around a sign saying I have cancer or I need a kidney transplant. Although Kendall's issue is very...noticeable...she is healthy. We have adapted to the special needs of the expander and things are going smoothly, naturally, and everyone has adjusted well. 

We have so much to be thankful for.