Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2 weeks post-op

I remember watching an interview that Jennifer Aniston did with Oprah years ago. When asked about the references and tabloid labels of being "unlucky with love," Jennifer said that she thought the opposite. She told Oprah that she didn't understand why people thought this because she felt she had always been "lucky with love."

This small snippet of her interview has stuck with me--recently, I have found myself thinking about the beginning of Kendall's tissue expansion process and how initially I wallowed in self-pity finding her circumstance unfortunate for all of us.

And now, I can say with confidence that this has been an incredible experience--allowing change to come in and transform us on multiple levels. Tony told me months and months ago, this is good for you. Not in the sense of having to watch your child go through a complex medical procedure, but good for me because I was forced to come face-to-face with so many of my own insecurities.

I feel like Kendall's last surgery was less about marking the end and more about celebrating the beginning--going forward with a new perspective, a new attitude and a confidence that makes me a stronger person and better mother.

To which I would tell Oprah, I feel lucky.


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