Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week One

Kendall is doing significantly better each day--they told us 7-10 days before she returns to normal.

Just a few more updates from the rest of our week:

The swelling moved into her face this week, causing her right eye to almost completely shut. Thankfully, swelling has gone down and she no longer looks like a boxer!

The expander is very lumpy and jagged--the doctors assured us that it is not painful for her, the only thing she feels is the pressure. The port and tube/cord that connects it to the expander are now very visible-- I will be applying numbing cream to the port before her weekly injection appointments so she will not feel the pain of the needle.

She is off all other medications besides Tylenol.

Each child has a 1/20,000 chance of being born with a large congenital nevus (giant nevus is 1/500,000). It has nothing to do with genetics, so my kids were at no greater/lesser risk than any others. 

We are VERY lucky that hers is contained to one spot, as many children have them scattered--covering their face or entire lower back. Because of the size of her mole and the dark color (which is a major concern), she would have a 1-10% chance of it turning into cancer. 

They told us the best way to describe the expander is like a breast implant. Adding some comic relief, Tony refers to Kendall's procedure as "breast implant gone wrong" :)

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